Sunday, September 12, 2010


Framing is an important media tool that can shape how the population interprets the stories reported by the media. 

Following the headlines of most major news stories are explications by the media that include opinions. These opinions can affect the way the audience interprets the story, commonly in either a positive or negative light. The media takes advantage of these explications to manipulate people's views on a certain topic, most commonly with regards to politics, by telling the audience how to feel about a certain person or situation. 

A recent instance of framing took place in a CNN news story about Barack Obama's plan to extend the tax cuts originally enacted in 2001 and 2003 by George W. Bush. In the article, support for the extension is described; according to the article, "congressional Democrats want to keep in place those tax cuts that apply to Americans earning less than $250,000 a year," but little is mentioned about opposing views to this extension of tax cuts. This specific publication of support with little regard to the opposition can easily sway the readers of the article to also feel support for the tax cuts, thus building support for President Obama. For the complete CNN article, follow the link below:

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